Are you feeling overwhelmed?


Definition of being overwhelmed 

Overwhelm means everything suddenly seems too much, and we don’t believe we can manage or we are not managing.

These include the following:

  • You overreact to insignificant things, e.g. not finding a pen.

  • Are tired or physically unwell without a valid reason.

  • It’s challenging for you to focus on simple things or everyday activities.

  • Withdrawing from family and friends.

  • You feel low cloud even during happy times.

  • They are battling despair and feeling powerless.

Typical reasons for feeling overwhelmed with life

There are some things that overwhelm anyone because they are outside the range of normal human experience and considered traumas. This could be an accident, illness, a natural disaster, witnessing a crime or you are a victim of crime.

Other common reasons for overwhelming are life changes that take time to process, such as going away to schoolbreakups or divorce, a new and challenging position at work, and bereavement

And of course, we all have our limits over what we can and can’t manage, time and energy-wise. We can all feel overwhelmed if, for example, we:

In these cases, overwhelm is a feeling that signifies we are experiencing stress

Stress is a response to a trigger we can pinpoint. Left unchecked, stress can lead to burnout. But with the right support,  we can troubleshoot the situation and take steps to get through to the other side. 

Why do I feel overwhelmed when others don’t? 

But what if you are feeling overwhelmed with life and you can’t pinpoint a logical reason why? Leaving you embarrassed and ashamed

Sometimes it’s that ‘straw that broke the camel’s back’ feeling. But for some of us, it’s like a storm descends and we feel lost in our reactions and big emotions

  • The dishwasher doesn’t work and you are suddenly sitting on the floor crying.

  • Someone gives typical feedback on a presentation but you are overwhelmed with inappropriate rage.

  • A partner says they are going out with friends and you are lost to a strange panic.

  • A passing vehicle toots its horn at someone and you are overwhelmed by fear.

  • Going to the doctor gives you strange fatigue and a foggy mind.

    Tools to help you out of overwhelm…

  • Cancel everything give yourself that mental health day-off you will thank me.

  • Say NO, I really would like to make time for you, but I am currently squeezed in every direction or can I come back to you at a later date.

  • Ask for help, yes and I know in many cultures we don’t do that but when you get help and things are getting done you will feel better. When I had those times in my life student job search was a life saver!

  • Take a breathe and keep breathing and slow it down you will regain strength and energy while being gentle with yourself.

  • Remind yourself this is temporary you will look back at this time and you could say to yourself well that was really only six months.

  • Move that body this will reduce the stress hormones

  • Listen to music to relax, uplift and motivate you.

  • Hug someone or get yourself a fur baby they give the best cuddles.

    I want to share my Empty your bucket technique with you…

    I have another downloadable for you to use. I have an example of one bucket with all the things that are causing overwhelm and then the next bucket is where you can use tools to slowly let that overwhelm out so you can empty your bucket.

    Remember to slow down and keep each step small.

Take care of yourself!

Ngā Mihi Carmel x


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